Handmade high quality necklaces.

A W A K E M O V E M E N T is about handmade stories.

We believe you are made to live life to the fullest, not even a little part of you was made to be hidden. To awaken every piece of you that is still asleep or slumbers and see it awakened.

We make high quality necklaces for you to wear your story, for you to share your story. To remind you of who you are and what you carry inside of you.


We’ve always sought out the best, but now we’re taking things to the next level and work with new high quality materials that are long lasting. 14k gold plated sterling silver necklaces.

All handmade in our atelier where we create from the heart.

Every word on your necklaces is stamped letter by letter with effort and love.

This handmade process creates a unique and one of a kind product.

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